Great Serbian tennis player won his first ATP title! In final of Amersfort at the other site of the net was Nicolas Massu. He catch a tartal Djokovic who show with his maestral game that he is player for big deals. He start the match great leading 3-0 and 4-1, but Chilean get back to 4-4. Little collapse in the Nole’s game could cost him a lot, but our young lion make it to tie brake. Bad start for Novak but he wake up with serie of 4 point in the road and the end of first set for comfortable end of the match. In the second set with 2 brakes from both players it’s 2-2 and than Nole’s going with .5-3 for Novak with few brake chances but he won this tournament at his serve, with aces. Amersfort is won!!! Sure this is just begin of 19 years old Serbian, that expedition to top of the ATP list stub with great games at big tournaments and all the people think he’ll have great future. Next tournament where he can won another title is in Croatia(Umag) where he is No. 3 seed.Best think about Novak Djokovic is his fighting spirit and of course big talent, that’s why he will won many tournaments.